Featured:2013 article 30

From PathfinderWiki

Ogrekin are the spawn of the hideous forced unions between ogres and whatever humanoids they can overpower. Grotesque creatures, no two ogrekin look the same, each bearing different deformities caused by its aberrant ogre parentage. Ogrekin are just as evil as their ogre parents and are universally shunned by other humanoids. Ogres view ogrekin as too weak and flimsy to be proper ogres and so are not allowed to be part of ogre tribes. Humanoids on the other hand regard ogrekin as hideous monsters unfit for anything except a quick death by the sword. Ogrekin usually live in small, brutish, and often inbred clans. These clan survive either by living on the scraps of giants or preying on weaker humanoids.read more

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