Ingrid Odeber
Ingrid Odeber is an Andoren paladin who commands the Diamond Regiment that patrols the area of Darkmoon Vale.12
Odeber is a beautiful woman of Andoran descent with pale skin, long blonde hair falling below her waist, and bangs. She is dressed in an Andoren Eagle Knight uniform with the insignia of the Diamond Regiment over her left breast.12
Odeber is a member of the Odeber family and married to Tablic, the druid in charge of the Greenfire Circle. This connection has led a strong level of cooperation between the regiment and the Circle as well as with the Fangwatch.12
Odeber is a close friend of Fangwatch lieutenant Aurore Kaiseva, who was introduced to Odeber by Fangwatch leader Rutho Steiggerson.3
Little known is the fact that Odeber is a naturally born werebear. Since the most common type of werecreatures in Darkmoon Vale are the chaotic evil werewolves, she keeps this fact a secret, as some people may not understand (or care) about the difference.12
- â 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 âChapter 1: Wildsâ in Guide to Darkmoon Vale, 14. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- â 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 âChapter 4: Secretsâ in Guide to Darkmoon Vale, 53. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- â âChapter 1: Wildsâ in Guide to Darkmoon Vale, 20. Paizo Inc., 2008 .