Kraggodan (dwarf)

From PathfinderWiki

Unknown; prior to -4901 AR
Source: Lands of Conflict, pg(s). 4

Kraggodan was a dwarven leader who led his clan to the surface in the year -4944 AR, as part of the Quest for Sky. The Sky Citadel of Kraggodan is named for him.1

His clan's ascent was accelerated by Kraggodan's discovery of the Onyx Key, a xiomorn artifact capable of rapid extradimensional travel. Kraggodan used the artifact to lead his clan to the surface, although he died defending his people from orc hordes.2

The Sky Citadel named in his honor was completed in -4901 AR.1


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  1. 1.0 1.1 Lissa Guillet & Amber E. Scott. “A Land Divided” in Lands of Conflict, 4. Paizo Inc., 2017
  2. Crystal Frasier. The Ironfang Resolution. Paizo blog, 2017