Luxia Mirsaad

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Luxia Mirsaad

6 or 8
Source: Rule of Fear, pg(s). 35 (1E)
Once in Whispers, pg(s). 22, 24, 32, 34 (2E)

Luxia Mirsaad is a powerful and skilled necromancer of the Whispering Way based in the haunted county of Virlych, Ustalav.1


Luxia is darkly beautiful and seductive; many members of the Whispering Way have fallen for her and even become obsessed with her. She uses this to manipulate senior members of the cult. Hovering around her are the skulls of three ex-lovers who crossed her in some way or tried to make Luxia their pet, and they serve as a warning to any future lovers.1


Cultists of the Whispering Way found Luxia near the border of Virlych when she was a young girl. She was the sole survivor of an orc raid on her Sczarni clan. The cultists removed her to Renchurch, where they proceeded to sacrifice Luxia on their altar. The sacrificial knife did not kill the girl, however, and the cultists—who saw this as a sign of Tar-Baphon's protection—inducted her into the cult and raised her as a member.1

Luxia is a devoted member of the Whispering Way who serves with zeal. Her mind is damaged, and she has sadistic tendencies accompanied by a dark sense of humour.1


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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 F. Wesley Schneider. “Counties” in Rule of Fear, 35. Paizo Inc., 2011
Luxia Mirsaad is mentioned in the following works:
WorkThis entity is best represented by this wikipage.ReleaseThe release date or a partial release date.
Once in Whispers29 January 2025