
From PathfinderWiki
(Magic item)

Aura (1E)
Moderate transmutation
Caster Level (1E)
Wondrous item
Slot (1E)
Source: The Shackled Hut, pg(s). 61

A rimepelt is the pelt of a snow-white winter wolf that gives resistance to cold when worn over the shoulders as a cloak. It also allows the wearer to assume the shape of a winter wolf. If used in such a manner and if the user is in a magical area that allows winter wolves to assume human form, the wearer can as well. When used for a transformation, the effect lasts for a maximum of two hours—thereafter the cloak is non-magical.12

Some rare winter wolf pelts don't require magical enhancements to function as a rimepelt. Without exception the winter wolves whose pelts will exhibit this trait are from wolves with unique attributes, such as heterochromatic eyes.12


  1. 1.0 1.1 Jim Groves. “Reign of Winter Treasures” in The Shackled Hut, 61. Paizo Inc., 2013
  2. 2.0 2.1 Russ Taylor. “Ecology of the Winter Wolf” in The Shackled Hut, 72. Paizo Inc., 2013