Into the Shattered Continent 67 describes the islands of Ancorato, Kalas-Ti, and Zanas-Tahn as being the first region encountered when sailing "1,000 miles due west from Mediogalti Isle", and being "at roughly 30 degrees N latitude". The text also describes the region as being part of the "northeastern province on the Azlanti continent" (65) and "roughly 60 miles inland from the eastern shore of lost Azlant" (67).
The world map in World Guide depicts geometry at a scale too large to depict the islands, which are each about 5-15 miles long on their longest axis; the smallest individual Azlanti islands depicted in World Guide are 30-50 miles long.
The map also depicts Medigalti Island as being at a latitude of around 23.75 degrees N, with 30 degrees N on the same longitude being closer to the approximate location of Gholinom. Traveling due west from that point, the first island one would encounter is a large unnamed island located just beyond the extents of the Inner Sea region map at around 30.9 N, 37.2 W (about 660 miles due west of Corentyn, Cheliax).
- The nearest depicted part of Azlant due west of Mediogalti Island is 1,300 miles away. No islands are depicted at a point 1,000 miles due west of Azlant.
- The nearest part of Azlant to Mediogalti Island located at 30 degrees N is a smaller island about 1,150 miles west-northwest of Mediogalti Island. No islands are depicted 1,000 miles from Mediogalti Island at 30 degrees N.
Both locations would be in the northeastern quadrant of the continent's remains, though the southern location would be significantly closer to its center.
A location for Ancorato and its nearby islands could be rationalized at either 30 degrees N and a distance of 1,000 miles from Mediogalti Island:
or at 1,000 miles due west of Mediogalti Island:
However, this conflict cannot be resolved barring either a canon clarification, or a new or more specific location of Ancorato and nearby islands being depicted in the Shades of Blood Pathfinder Adventure Path. -Oznogon (talk) 19:58, 20 March 2025 (UTC)
- Note that The Lost Outpost also suggests that the Sun Temple Colony is about 300 miles north of Ancorato. Determining a precise site of Ancorato could also allow for the rationalization of a location for Sun Temple Colony. -Oznogon (talk) 20:13, 20 March 2025 (UTC)