
From PathfinderWiki

Associated death

Book of the Damned 225 and Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Book of the Damned Volume 3 22 describe derghodaemons as being spawned from "souls slain by violent insanity", including death by suicide from mental illness or from being murdered by a mentally ill person. "Table 4-2: Daemons" on Book of the Damned 227 lists the death personification as simply "violence from insanity".

Blood for Blood 50 and Bestiary 2 59 instead describe derghodaemons as being created from the souls of those killed by being extreme violence, particularly from being eaten alive and including being eaten alive by natural predators.

As Bestiary 2 for Pathfinder Second Edition is the most recent source of the highest canon tier, PathfinderWiki uses the latter definition. -Oznogon (talk) 02:16, 11 March 2025 (UTC)