Talk:The Jester's Fraud
Error in Paizo's text
the CUP requires that this page use the same text as the Paizo promotional text as on however this text contains a factual error regarding the grand campaign's length (300 vs the actual 524 per the cannon sources that make reference to it) is there any way to more explicitly correct this error while following the policy? (beyond the embedded link to the grand campaign page which is correct) 77stephen (talk) 05:06, 3 December 2015 (UTC)
- My understanding of the CUP is that we are allowed to use the promotional text verbatim, whereas other text must be rephrased. We're not required to use the text as written and have the right to alter it to meet our needs. I don't think there's a problem with making changes to correct factual errors.—
Yoda8myhead (talk) 20:03, 3 December 2015 (UTC)