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Wardens of Wildwood Player's Guide 4 states that Valenar had been voted into leadership at every Moot of Ages "for the past 17 years". For a work published in 2024, the PathfinderWiki canon policy suggests this indicates that Valenar was first elected ca. 4707 AR.

However, this text appears to simply reference the time span cited in Taldor, the First Empire 49, published 7 years earlier, which also states that he had been elected "in the past 17 years", which per the canon policy would indicate that his first election was ca. 4700 AR.

Pactbreaker 5 confirms that Valenar was first voted into leadership in 4700 AR. Because this is the most recent and highest-tier source available, as well as the most specific, PathfinderWiki uses 4700 AR. -Oznogon (talk) 05:55, 6 July 2024 (UTC)