- This is part of {{ArticleSpawner}} and should appear above the editing area when creating an Adventure article using {{ArticleSpawner/Book}}.
Need more help?
For basic help editing wiki content, see the PathfinderWiki tutorial. For specific help creating articles about books, see the PathfinderWiki Help articles that cover writing about books. For help using the {{Infobox}} infobox template, see its documentation. Have questions? Ask in our Discord chat. |
Writing an article about a book
- For adventures, go back to the ArticleSpawner and select Adventure instead.
For articles about real-world Paizo Inc. sourcebooks, begin by adding the {{Infobox|Book}} template. The template automatically populates it with contents from the book's Facts page, or provides a link for you to fill out a form with those details if no Facts page exists.
For an example of a book article, see Player Core.
The sections provided below are examples of common or recommended sections. To use them, remove the comment markup (<!-- and -->) and remember to remove the sample text as well. They're optional, but if you aren't using them, leave them in to help future editors!