Year of Rent Sails

From PathfinderWiki

The year of 3721 AR is known as the Year of the Rent Sails. The Andoren Free Sailors had become a major threat for the slavers in the Inner Sea when Lash-Handed Neguli, captain of the galley Hundred Oars, rallied his fellow slavers and directed vicious attacks against the Andoren sailors. In the Year of Rent Sails, the slavers hit trade ships, warships, and even pirate ships that entered Okeno's harbor but refused to ally with Neguli. Overland raids also increased. By the year's end a strong solidified group called the Okeno Slavers had formed.1


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  1. Amber E. Scott. “Dangerous Waters” in Pirates of the Inner Sea, 8. Paizo Inc., 2012