-2764 AR
Age of Destiny | ||||||||||
-2769 | -2768 | -2767 | -2766 | -2765 | -2764 AR | -2763 | -2762 | -2761 | -2760 | -2759 |
-2764 AR in politics
- In northwestern Garund, the Jistka Imperium crumbles under the weight of a prolonged series of succession wars and the combined military mights of Osirion and the Tekritanin League.12 Osirion is left as the strongest power of northern Garund.34
- â âChapter 5: The Worldâ in Campaign Setting, 201. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- â âGolden Roadâ in World Guide, 50. Paizo Inc., 2019 .
- â âLand of the Pharaohsâ in Osirion, Legacy of Pharaohs, 6. Paizo Inc., 2014 .
- â âIntroductionâ in Lost Kingdoms, 3. Paizo Inc., 2012 .