-61944 AR

From PathfinderWiki
Age of Serpents
-61949 -61948 -61947 -61946 -61945 -61944 AR -7000 -6533 -6530 -6501 -6498

-61944 AR in politics


  1. With the publication of Rage of Elements, Paizo created new munsahirs to replace azers in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game mechanics. In canon, "munsahir" is the new name for the revived and liberated people as of 4723 AR. See also Rage of Elements pgs. 3, 113, and 132, and Pathfinder Core Preview pgs. 2 and 13.
  2. Paizo referred to elemental scamps as mephits until the publication of the Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary, and began solely referring to them as scamps in Rage of Elements. See Bestiary pg. 150, Rage of Elements pg. 3, and Pathfinder Core Preview pgs. 2, 13. Their appearance also changed from small humanoids to small bat-like creatures.
  3. Logan Bonner, et al. “Fire” in Rage of Elements, 113. Paizo Inc., 2023