
From PathfinderWiki

Emberkeep is the capital of the munsahir kingdom known as the Azure Empire that had, for millennia, fallen but now rises again.1


The Azure Empire once covered much of the Elemental Plane of Fire, but war with the ifrit realm of the Dominion of Flame crushed the other iron fortress-cities until only Emberkeep remained. With all their other cities sacked or razed, the munsahirs resorted to an alliance with the fire scamp kingdom of the Realms of the Living Goddess. They were swiftly betrayed, and Emberkeep fell to the fire scamps under the influence of the ruler of the Ninefold Towers of the Matriarch of Holy Sublimation.1

Whatever bargain was struck between the fire scamps and munsahirs has since expired, and munsahirs have reclaimed Emberkeep for themselves. All-Father Verdesz, leader of the Azure Empire, has now declared Emberkeep as the capital of his newly risen kingdom, and munsahirs from across the Plane of Fire flock to his banner.2


  1. 1.0 1.1 Logan Bonner, et al. “Fire” in Rage of Elements, 113. Paizo Inc., 2023
  2. Logan Bonner, et al. “Fire” in Rage of Elements, 115. Paizo Inc., 2023