Asaoul Thrune

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Asaoul Thrune

Source: From Hell's Heart, pg(s). 46

Asaoul Thrune is a member of House Thrune, the ruling house of Cheliax.1


Asaoul is a cousin of Her Majestrix Queen Abrogail II of Cheliax. Her mother is Lady Felena, and her great-uncle is Ezaliah Thrune.

Her younger sister Druvalia Thrune's envy and curiosity about why people placed importance on Asaoul's beauty led to her developing a keen interest in the workings of the mind, which in turn led her to collect secrets from her household and its surrounding community. Druvalia later attended the Devoe Academy, where she trained to become an inquisitor of House Thrune, and joined the Chelaxian Navy, where by age 32 she had attained the rank of admiral.1


Asaoul Thrune was born the first daughter of a cadet branch of House Thrune, granting her considerable wealth and connections. She was married off to secure political advantages for the family.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Jason Nelson. “NPC Gallery” in From Hell's Heart, 46–47. Paizo Inc., 2012