Category:Inhabitants by occupation
Useful source for categorization
There is a handy list of occupations within Table 4-5 of the GameMastery Guide (Pathfinder First Edition) p. 97, or the Gamemastery Guide (Pathfinder Second Edition) p. 205 to help select a new category for creation if what you are looking for is not yet included below.
This category has the following 200 subcategories, out of 482 total.
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- Abolitionistsβ (46 P)
- Acupuncturistsβ (3 P)
- Administratorsβ (18 P)
- Advisersβ (109 P)
- Aethership captainsβ (2 P)
- Alchemists (profession)β (13 P)
- Ambassadorsβ (30 P)
- Apothecariesβ (22 P)
- Archaeologistsβ (28 P)
- Architectsβ (18 P)
- Armorersβ (28 P)
- Arms merchantsβ (12 P)
- Art dealersβ (2 P)
- Assassins (profession)β (31 P)
- Astrologersβ (24 P)
- Astronomersβ (34 P)
- Auctioneersβ (2 P)
- Authors (Golarion)β (108 P)
- Bakersβ (10 P)
- Banditsβ (38 P)
- Bankersβ (20 P)
- Bartendersβ (22 P)
- Beggarsβ (10 P)
- Biologistsβ (2 P)
- Bodyguardsβ (38 P)
- Botanistsβ (6 P)
- Bouncersβ (4 P)
- Bounty huntersβ (8 P)
- Brewersβ (18 P)
- Brothel keepersβ (34 P)
- Butchersβ (10 P)
- Caravan ownersβ (12 P)
- Cartographersβ (14 P)
- Clan leadersβ (29 P)
- Clockwork makersβ (6 P)
- Cobblersβ (4 P)
- Composersβ (10 P)
- Conductorsβ (2 P)
- Cooksβ (21 P)
- Cultistsβ (10 P)
- Curatorsβ (24 P)
- Dancersβ (4 P)
- Diplomatsβ (40 P)
- Distillersβ (6 P)
- Embalmersβ (2 P)
- Engineersβ (18 P)
- Entrepreneursβ (4 P)
- Executionersβ (12 P)
- Explorersβ (80 P)
- Falconersβ (2 P)
- Farmersβ (30 P)
- Fencesβ (2 P)
- Ferrymenβ (8 P)
- Fishmongersβ (13 P)
- Fleshwarpersβ (14 P)
- Fortune tellersβ (26 P)
- Gamblersβ (4 P)
- Gambling den ownersβ (6 P)
- Gang membersβ (12 P)
- Gardenersβ (6 P)
- Ghost findersβ (2 P)
- Glass blowersβ (8 P)
- Golemwrightsβ (20 P)
- Governorsβ (22 P)
- Guidesβ (16 P)
- Harbormastersβ (26 P)
- Healersβ (12 P)
- Herbalistsβ (13 P)
- Hermitsβ (10 P)
- Horse breedersβ (8 P)
- Horse trainersβ (10 P)
- Hostsβ (4 P)
- Hotel proprietorsβ (2 P)
- Information brokersβ (14 P)
- Innkeepersβ (63 P)
- Inventors (occupation)β (22 P)
- Iron priestsβ (2 P)
- Landlordsβ (75 P)
- Launderersβ (empty)
- Lawyersβ (14 P)
- Librariansβ (46 P)
- Lighthouse keepersβ (4 P)
- Linguistsβ (6 P)
- Locksmithsβ (4 P)
- Logisticiansβ (4 P)
- Lumberersβ (10 P)
- Luthiersβ (6 P)
- Magistratesβ (8 P)
- Maidsβ (2 P)
- Masters of ceremoniesβ (2 P)
- Mayorsβ (131 P)
- Metaphysicistsβ (2 P)
- Midwivesβ (8 P)
- Military leadersβ (478 P)
- Millersβ (6 P)
- Minersβ (6 P)
- Moneylendersβ (12 P)
- Monks (profession)β (2 P)
- Myth-speakersβ (3 P)
- Navigatorsβ (6 P)
- Negotiatorsβ (2 P)
- Noblesβ (71 P)
- Numerologistsβ (4 P)
- Opera singersβ (12 P)
- Oratorsβ (2 P)
- Osirionologistsβ (12 P)
- Ostlersβ (6 P)
- Paintersβ (20 P)
- Pawnbrokersβ (2 P)
- Philanthropistsβ (26 P)
- Philosophersβ (24 P)
- Pickpocketsβ (6 P)
- Pilotsβ (2 P)
- Playwrightsβ (20 P)
- Poetsβ (19 P)
- Poison merchantsβ (8 P)
- Policeβ (30 P)
- Postal workersβ (4 P)
- Prison staffβ (28 P)
- Prostitutesβ (16 P)
- Publishersβ (2 P)
- Puppeteersβ (2 P)
- Quartermastersβ (2 P)
- Ranchersβ (8 P)
- Restaurant ownersβ (4 P)
- Ruk/Playersβ (1 P)