Crystalline starknife

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Crystalline starknife
(Magic item)

Aura (1E)
Moderate evocation
Caster Level (1E)
Slot (1E)
Source: Beyond the Doomsday Door, pg(s). 60

A crystalline starknife looks like crystal but is as hard as steel. This starknife is particularly effective against crystalline creatures. When thrown in the right light, it looks like a spinning disk of prismatic color; those hit under these circumstances often become dazzled by the colors. When thrown by a worshiper of Desna, it automatically returns to its wielder.

The original crystalline starknife was wielded by Nugloss, a priestess of Desna who fought for the Linnorm Kings during the Winter War.1


  1. Tito Leati. “Shattered Star Treasures” in Beyond the Doomsday Door, 60. Paizo Inc., 2012