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Daramont was an adventuring knight killed by an Umbral dragon while tracking the shadow wizard called Lathroft. He is the twin brother of fellow adventurer Eriah and shared good looks and sandy hair. In addition to his twin, Daramont adventured with Elyana Sadrastis, Arcil, Stelan and Vallyn1234


  1. ↑ Howard Andrew Jones. “Interlude: Ring of Shadows” in Plague of Shadows, 187. Paizo Inc., 2011
  2. ↑ Howard Andrew Jones. “Interlude: Ring of Shadows” in Plague of Shadows, 191. Paizo Inc., 2011
  3. ↑ Howard Andrew Jones. “Interlude: Ring of Shadows” in Plague of Shadows, 192. Paizo Inc., 2011
  4. ↑ Howard Andrew Jones. “Interlude: The Last Gathering” in Plague of Shadows, 289. Paizo Inc., 2011