
From PathfinderWiki

The Drakewall is a 50-foot-high stone wall which marks the southern border between the Skyfire Mandate and the Drakelands on Triaxus. It stretches for more than 60 miles, 40 on the ground and 20 above the Sephorian Sea, and was built by ancient members of the Dragon Legions to cover a wide grassland pass, the only part of the border where the Skyfire Mandate and the Drakelands are not separated by the treacherous Parapet Mountains. The wall's real power is an invisible magical shield that prevents any dragons from passing through, except via the gates. Small fortresses staffed by Skyfire Mandate soldiers dot the wall's length, and are home to the magical engines that power the force shield and are guarded day and night, since if the magic fails, no one alive would be able to restore it.1


  1. James L. Sutter. “Planet of Dragons” in The Frozen Stars, 70. Paizo Inc., 2013