Empty Graves (Pathfinder Legends)

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Pathfinder Legends—Mummy's Mask #2: Empty Graves
Cover Image
Audio - Full-cast Audio Drama

Empty Graves, a Pathfinder Legends full-cast audio drama based on the Mummy's Mask adventure path, was released on October 21, 2015. It is the second of six episodes in the Mummy's Mask series.

The dead are walking. The dead are screaming. The dead are killing.

Opening the Necropolis of Wati was a mistake. Undead hordes are streaming from the tombs, causing terror in the streets. Zombies. Ghouls. Mummies. Soon the dead will outnumber the living.

Valeros, Ezren, Harsk and Merisiel must find the Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh. But can they trust anyone—including themselves?


Written by: Crystal Frasier

Director: John Ainsworth

Sound Design: Simon Power

Music: Simon Power


Ezren: Trevor Littledale

Harsk: Ian Brooker

Valeros: Stewart Alexander

Merisiel: Kerry Skinner

Nebta-Khufre / Nakht / Ekram Iffek / Silver Chain Member: Nabil Elouahabi

Naghut / Shardizhad: Ashleigh Loeb

Sebti the Crocodile / Ghost: Mana M

Ptemenib / Auctioneer / Doorman: Fahad Salman

Neferekhu: Zmira Wicking

Qasin / Cultist / Cleric: Becky Wright