Exarchate of the Infinite Clock

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Exarchate of the Infinite Clock

Secret society
Replace members' brains with clockworks
Source: Dark Archive, pg(s). 77

The Exarchate of the Infinite Clock is a secret society of Alkenstar whose members seek to achieve self-perfection by replacing their brains with occult magical clockworks. While largely unsuccessful, the Exarchate has potentially spread from Alkenstar to other nations in the Golden Road.12

Its members are referred to as clockmakers, and most are surgeons, engineers, and magic users. As of 4722 AR the Dark Archive of the Pathfinder Society believed that the Exarchate was less than 50 years old.1


Members believe their efforts are the application of the Nexian Understanding of magic, and that sufficiently advanced mathematics can enhance the power of their spellcasting to near-deific levels. Toward this end, they apply techniques derived from those of the Jistka Imperium to craft occult devices that replace parts of their brains.

In practice, members experiment on abductees rather than themselves; the few subjects who survive do gain notbale powers but are killed by clockmakers before they can expose the society. Most cells of the society operate in groups of six led by a mage-engineer, each somewhat paranoid that a rival cell will develop the purportedly all-powerful Infinite Clock—the perfect implant capable of granting unbounded powers—before they do.1


Aside from Alkenstar, a cell of the Exarchate of the Infinite Clock was uncovered in Katheer in 4721 AR.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 James Case, et al. “Secret Societies” in Dark Archive, 77. Paizo Inc., 2022
  2. Mariam Ahmad, et al. Alkenstar” in Impossible Lands, 80. Paizo Inc., 2022