Facts:NPC Core Battle Cards

From PathfinderWiki
You can cite this entity by using {{Ref|NPC Core Battle Cards}} or {{Cite/NPC Core Battle Cards}}.
The infobox for this entity can be used via {{Infobox|Deck|NPC Core Battle Cards}} or just {{Infobox|Deck}} on the page NPC Core Battle Cards.
NameThe general name of an entity. This is used for many different types.

NPC Core Battle Cards

Full titleThe full book title. This should only be used in addition to name if the book has a long name that is not typically used in its full form.

Pathfinder NPC Core Battle Cards

Represented by pageThis entity is best represented by this wikipage.
ImageThe page of an image representing this entity.

NPC Core Battle Cards.webp

PublisherThe publisher of this book or product.
Deck typeThe type of deck in this product.

Battle Cards

WebsiteAn URL that is strongly linked to this entity. E.g. the Paizo page for a book.
PubcodeTypically a Paizo pubcode.


PriceThe price of this release.

Print: $54.99"Print: $54.99" was classified as invalid by the "price" regular expression.

Release dateThe release date or a partial release date.


DecksizeThe number of cards in this deck.

More than 350 cards

IsbnThe ISBN.


Rule systemWhich RPG system is used in this product.


SeriesThe series this book belongs to.
FollowsThe previous release.
Blurb textA text describing the entity in detail.

The soldiers, courtiers, criminals, and more from Pathfinder NPC Core make a grand entrance with NPC Core Battle Cards! This box of over 350 cards showcases non-player characters, with visuals perfect for fights and roleplaying scenes. Each card features a beautiful, full-color image of a character from NPC Core on one side, while the other side provides that character's statistics for quick and easy reference. Show your players what characters they're facing while keeping the NPC's abilities at the ready, and watch your games come alive!

Automatic properties
Fact typeThe type of fact represented by this entity. This should be a reference to the template that created it.
Release date precisionAutomatically generated property that says how precise a given date was.


Release yearThe year in which this product was released. This is typically automatically calculated.