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Jirandiel Waverider

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Jirandiel Waverider
Jirandiel Waverider

Swashbuckler (inspired blade) 121
Chelaxian Navy (formerly)
Source: Slaver's End, pg(s). 18–19

Jirandiel Waverider is a former Chelaxian Navy captain turned pirate after Pathfinders stole her ship and a prisoner she was transporting, resulting in her losing her naval commission in disgrace. Her current ship is a clipper dubbed the Waverider's Revenge, and she primarily harries shipping routes off the southwestern coast of Qadira.2

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  1. As of Slaver's End in subtier 8-9; she is level 9 in subtier 5-6. Jirandiel was a rogue 4 / ranger 3 / duelist 2 or 5 in No Plunder, No Pay.
  2. Vanessa Hoskins. Slaver's End, 3. Paizo Inc., 2019
Jirandiel Waverider is mentioned in the following works:
WorkThis entity is best represented by this wikipage.ReleaseThe release date or a partial release date.
No Plunder, No PayDecember 2009
Slaver's End29 May 2019