This article is primarily or only relevant to Pathfinder Second Edition.

Kaldemash's Lament

From PathfinderWiki
Kaldemash's Lament
(Magic item)

Item Level (2E)
Item 20
Usage (2E)
Held in one hand
Source: Treasure Vault, pg(s). 38–39

Kaldemash's Lament is the legendary star gun of Kaldemash, once a Crowned Regent of Arcadia1 and now a deity.2 Its use in the accidental killing of Kaldemash's best friend inspired his creation of the Star Code, a set of cultural mores that still govern the use of star guns across Arcadia.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 Michael Sayre, et al. “Armor and Armaments” in Treasure Vault, 38–39. Paizo Inc., 2023
  2. Misha Bushyager, et al. “Other Gods” in Divine Mysteries, 148. Paizo Inc., 2024