Paradox box

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Paradox box
(Magic item)

Aura (1E)
Moderate abjuration and conjuration
Caster Level (1E)
Wondrous item
Slot (1E)
Source: Shards of Sin, pg(s). 64-5

A paradox box is a small, almost cube-shaped stone box with dimensions of 18 inches or less per side. It has no hinges or lid, but can be opened via a command word or combination, not by any other mundane or magical means. The combination or a clue to the command word was commonly scribed onto the box, making the opening as much of a puzzle as anything else. When opened, a paradox box has an extradimensional space inside with a volume of a cubic foot. Any item, regardless of weight, that can fit in this space can be sealed inside the box. These items are commonly of Thassilonian manufacture.1


  1. โ†‘ James Jacobs. โ€œThe Shattered Starโ€ in Shards of Sin, 64โ€“65. Paizo Inc., 2012