PathfinderWiki talk:Crunch removal initiative

From PathfinderWiki

Guidelines for non-crunch elements for creature statblock abilities

Not sure if this is still in the process of being written, but what should be the approach for abilities and actions on a creature statblock that seem important to how the creature operates in relationship to the world but is not called out in the description. Examples include dragon senses, movement and some breath weapons are described except only in the statblock. Another is the line between when seemingly crunch elements my affect how the creature behaves when applied to a game session: should dragons' immunity to sleep and paralysis be mentioned, horned dragon move through plant unimpeded (or mention if its related to a related to a traditions), Archons' modification when they use the translocate spell, creature statblock like storm snakes not having great resistance to electricity despite lore saying they take often get hit with lighting strikes, or can the cassisian's shareable +1 vs unholy creatures be de-chrunch so to be diegetic? -- Stejo (talk) 17:06, 10 June 2024 (UTC)