Predatory rabbit

From PathfinderWiki
Predatory rabbit

Source: Book of the Dead, pg(s). 142

Predatory rabbits are loyal pet rabbits who succumb to undeath and become violent, sadistic predators.1


Predatory rabbits emit a foul stench that sickens those nearby and weakens their resistance to disease. Their speed and powerful leaping abilities are enhanced by their transformation, and they can bound up to 20 feet both upward and forward.1

A predatory rabbit always knows in which direction their past owners are while on the same plane of existence.1


Predatory rabbits shed their skittish nature and become fast, aggressive predators. They particularly hunt birds, squirrels, cats, and living rabbits.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Jason Bulmahn, et al. “3: The Grim Crypt” in Book of the Dead, 142. Paizo Inc., 2022