Sigek (nindoru)

From PathfinderWiki

Source: No Breath to Cry, pg(s). 67
See also: Sigek (person)

As of 7214 IC, Sigek was the most recently discovered nindoru Ascetic after a Pathfinder Society mission in Tianjing found nindorus chanting that "Sigek will be born again" around statues depicting a many-mouthed nindoru with a human face. The statues were moved to and secured inside of the Lantern Lodge in Goka.1 Sigek shares a name with the priest believed to be responsible for the first nindorus' creation.2

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  1. ↑ Jeremy Blum. “Cycles of Destruction” in No Breath to Cry, 67. Paizo Inc., 2023
  2. ↑ Jeremy Blum. “Cycles of Destruction” in No Breath to Cry, 63. Paizo Inc., 2023