Sun orchid

From PathfinderWiki
The symbol of Thuvia denotes the sun orchid.

Sun orchids are rare flowers found only in the deepest parts of Thuvia's desert. Groups of hunters, with the support of numerous nomad camps, constantly range the dunes and oases to find them. Their nectar is the basic ingredient for the production of sun orchid elixir, a rare and highly sought-after item said to grant its imbiber immortality. A single sun orchid can sell for 500 gold pieces.123


For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. ↑ Erik Mona & Jason Bulmahn. “Gazetteer of Nations” in Gazetteer, 55. Paizo Inc., 2008
  2. ↑ Erik Mona, et al. “Chapter 2: The Inner Sea” in Campaign Setting, 138. Paizo Inc., 2008
  3. ↑ Erik Mona, et al. “Chapter 5: The World” in Campaign Setting, 210. Paizo Inc., 2008