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Taldara Meirlanel

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Taldara Meirlanel
Taldara Meirlanel

Animal Companion
Source: The Box

Taldara Meirlanel is a tall, blonde aiuvarin druid hailing from Magnimar in Varisia, who is accompanied by her badger animal companion called Mordimor. Her elven heritage is shown by the obvious pointedness of her ears. She has friends in Magnimar, including the Varisian Kostinnavolus Dalakcz and the wizard Aeventius Reatés; Kostin's father was influential in her upbringing, and she has known Kostin since childhood.

Taldara left Magnimar to see the world and learn the ways of a scholar, and has recently joined the Pathfinder Society. When in combat, Taldara uses a crossbow at range and a hatchet in close quarters, while Mordimor attacks in melée.123


Taldara Meirlanel is mentioned in the following works:
WorkThis entity is best represented by this wikipage.ReleaseThe release date or a partial release date.
The BoxJanuary 2012
Light of a Distant StarOctober 2013