
From PathfinderWiki


Prior to the Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster Project, Paizo referred to aiuvarins as half-elves and typically described them as being exclusively the children of humans and elves. The Remaster project introduced the concept of versatile heritages and included half-elves as part of this designation, renamed them to aiuvarins, and suggested that combinations of other ancestries and elves (as well as the children of two aiuvarins) are also aiuvarins. See Meta:Aiuvarin for details.

NPC Core 178 describes aiuvarins as being "born to unions of humans and elves" and compares their lifespans only to humans and elves. The example aiuvarin translator statblocok on that page has the Elf and Human mechanical traits.

The elf names list on NPC Core 181 additionally asserts that "aiuvarin names borrow words from a wide variety of elf and human languages".

A naĭve and narrow reading of these NPC Core assertions suggests a potential reversion to Pathfinder First Edition restrictions on aiuvarins. However, the aiuvarin trait description on NPC Core 235 does not limit the parents of aiuvarins to humans, and instead references the versatile heritage mechanic and re-asserts that "aiuvarins are of mixed ancestry, including elves or other aiuvarins". This is consistent with the trait text in other Remaster sources.

A generous reading of NPC Core 178 and 181 would suggest it refers only to the children of humans and elves, but does not inherently exclude aiuvarins of other heritages and ancestries. A narrower reading suggests an irreconcilable internal conflict barring a canon clarification. PathfinderWiki presumes the generous reading and retains the definition from the trait description, which is most consistent with other Remaster works. -Oznogon (talk) 18:44, 11 March 2025 (UTC)

Plural form

NPC Core inconsistently uses both "aiuvarins" and "aiuvarin" as the plural form on page 178. Barring a canon clarification otherwise, PathfinderWiki presumes the use of "aiuvarin" as the plural form is in error. -Oznogon (talk) 18:46, 11 March 2025 (UTC)