Talk:Citadel Vraid
In Castles of the Inner Sea, p. 27, the citadel is located 50 miles southwest of Korvosa. Dmeta (talk) 14:16, 23 July 2013 (UTC)
I can't find a reference for the "15 miles south". In the "Guide of Korvosa" is written "stands atop a narrow table within the southern arm of the Mindspin Mountains" p.6 and also "The low shelf upon which Citadel Vraid stands bears his name, ..." p.12. I believe it was a misintepretation of the map. Also in "What lies in dust" p.63 "While their relocation and the construction of Citadel Vraid in the western arm of the Mindspin Mountains .." Dmeta (talk) 14:36, 24 July 2013 (UTC)