Talk:Wish magic

From PathfinderWiki

Edition-specific canon

The OGL 2e Core Rulebook said in its 10th-level spells:

The GM might allow you to try using miracle/alter reality/primal phenomenon to produce greater effects than these, but doing so may be dangerous, or the spell may have only a partial effect.

Dangerous or unexpected effects sound like wish magic, so I would add miracle, alter reality, and primal phenomenon to the wish magic article.

If you'll excuse an inference: Nowadays, wish is a ritual that can be cast using any of the four traditions. Can we add the following four sentences to reconcile the premaster 10th-level spells with Player Core's remaster retcon?

A divine wish was sometimes called miracle. An occult wish was sometimes called alter reality. A primal wish was sometimes called primal phenomenon. In that respect, the name wish was sometimes used to imply referring to arcane wishes.

Descriptivist (talk) 00:42, 15 August 2024 (UTC)

I would prefer to avoid edition-specific mechanical declarations in canon content if at all possible. Wishes have a specific canon meaning, particularly wrt genies and especially in the context of Legacy of Fire.
Do you think there's any way to divorce the mechanical distinctions about specific spells from wish magic, and instead describe those in their spell articles (or not at all)? -Oznogon (talk) 02:32, 16 August 2024 (UTC)