
From PathfinderWiki

Red links stink!


Syri, Yoon
dromaar catfolk
Refresh.svg This chronicler refreshes the Recent Changes page like a pesh addict.
843 This user has 843 total edits.

This user is a Gorum truther: Inside the armor, my god is a half-orc!

What do we know about heritage order, especially "aiuvarin", "dromaar", "helf", and "horc"? heritage before or after ancestry?

  • Player Core body text contains three lowercase "school of unified magical theory"s, one lowercase "unified magic", and one lowercase "battle magic". Perplexingly, Player Core's two Sample Wizard builds capitalize "School of the Boundary" and "School of Mentalism" while they lowercase the theses "spell blending" and "improved familiar attunement". Arguably subjective, but for now the evidence favors lowercase arcane schools.
  • On Player Core page 386, witch patrons like Silence in Snow are capitalized while witch lessons like "dreams" are lowercase.
  • On one page in Dark Archive, the premaster patron theme "pacts" is lowercase.
  • Everyone knows cleric domains are lowercase.


  • perfect every iconic character article with all the lore, ever. Figure out snow leopard and blue-tailed skink. Clean up red links
  • get Magic up to speed with PF2e/remaster, especially #Nature, Secrets of Magic, etc.
  • {Person tabbed} is missing class and familiar
  • [Categorize:] rituals by tradition
  • subclasses and focus spells, especially champion. Figure out the article name situation with focus
  • on StarfinderWiki, edit every StarfinderWiki: page and Help: page
  • PFS2e factions; mark PF1e factions as retired, update navbox
  • necromancy, etc.
  • wish and friends
  • ethnicities are ethnicities; lineages are lineages; heritages are heritages


  • merge invisible stalker with phade (un-connect belker)
  • Rename cambion and cambion, etc.

If the person being added or amended is dead, add them to Category:Deceased inhabitants. If the year of death is known, remember to include it in the {Person} template.

Lame Claim to Fame: I helped to break the story of Bridget Guilty Gear's coming-out on the night of her DLC's launch. (I wrote the green paragraph! The original red paragraph was written by helpful Wikipedia user "Underfell Flowey".
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