User talk:Vladikru

From PathfinderWiki


Welcome Vladikru to the project. In response to what you asked on Mark's talk page: 1. (This link) is the active wiki. is the old URL. Wikia was changing the look and feel of their hosting a little over a year ago, and we decided that it didn't jive with the look and feel of the wiki. Plus our number one complaint was the adds that wikia put on the pages for non members.

2. If it is completely out of your own head, then you don't have to get permission to share it. If you are using parts of the pathfinder mythos, I would review the Community use policy, and if you were asking with the intent to add it to the project, I would also suggest you review PathfinderWiki:Scope of the project page first.

Thanks! Earl -- Cpt kirstov 02:28, 26 December 2011 (UTC)

I'd just like to add that if you want to share your own PF material, Pathfinder Database is a great website for that. Welcome!--Filby 03:14, 26 December 2011 (UTC)
Hi Vladikru! Welcome to PathfinderWiki! Others have already answered these but I'll give it a go too!
The main difference between the two wiki sites is that this one is independently maintained and not owned by wikia. We used to have them host the site, but they started changing the way they did stuff and we had no way say in how the site worked or looked. We decided to take the project here, and for all intents and purposes the one on wikia has been abandoned.
As for sharing your custom content, that's not something that falls within the Scope of the project. There are other communities that welcome this sort of fan-generated material, including Paizo's own forums, but the wiki project is meant for canon content only. Let me or one of the other admins know if there's anything else we can help with, and once again, welcome to the wiki! —Yoda8myhead 03:41, 26 December 2011 (UTC)