Worg Queen
The Worg Queen
The Worg Queen is a murderous goblin who, in 4669 AR, organized an army of bugbears, goblins, and wargs to make war on Rookwarden, an outpost of the River Kingdom of Loric Fells, as well as its outlying hills of Rookwarden Fells.
The raid was a success: the group of monsters destroyed nearly every human settlement within ten miles of Rookwarden. It would be nearly a full human generation before humans would reclaim the region.
The Worg Queen was driven out of Rookwarden by a coven of green hags, former allies who leveraged their control of a half dozen troll tribes to defeat their former mistress.1
- ↑ “Loric Fells” in Guide to the River Kingdoms, 27. Paizo Inc., 2010 .