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Ydersius's Thalassic Daughter

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Ydersius's Thalassic Daughter

Source: The Thousand Fangs Below, pg(s). 14

Ydersius's Thalassic Daughter is a massive sea serpent that dwells within the northern lake of Ilmurea in the depths of Sekamina in the Darklands. Ydersius's Thalassic Daughter is an ancient creature that was kept as a beast sacred to the serpentfolk god Ydersius before the fall of ancient Ilmurea and has dwelt in the lake ever since. This sea serpent normally lurks in the lake's depths, but it surfaces to attack any boat it detects on the surface. Ydersius's Thalassic Daughter shows no loyalty to its former keepers and happily devours serpentfolk just as it would any other intruders into its domain.1


  1. Graeme Davis & Robert G. McCreary. “The Thousand Fangs Below” in The Thousand Fangs Below, 14. Paizo Inc., 2011