The beginning of the return of sunlight to the surface of Golarion hampers the orcs in their war against the dwarves and, so, that struggle begins to turn in the dwarves' favour from this year onwards.1
-4294 AR in environment
The cloud of fine dust created by Earthfall that caused the Age of Darkness finally begins to lift. The people of Golarion—except the population of Nidal2—again see the full light of the sun after its absence of nearly a thousand years. This heralds the Age of Anguish as primitive people struggle to build new empires and forget the horrors of the past millennia.34156
This year is chosen by historians to be the first year in the second historical age of Golarion, the Age of Anguish.7
âTian Xia World Guide 7 estimates the first sunlight since Earthfall appearing in -1790 IC, or -4290 AR, and the re-emergence of civilization in -1793 IC, or -4293 AR. It is unclear whether this represents a different timing for these events occurring in Tian Xia compared to other parts of Golarion.