Blood's Legacy

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Blood's Legacy

Racial, militaristic
Goblinoid supremacy
International (Avistan, Garund, and Casmaron)
Mainly hobgoblin
Source: Fangs of War, pg(s). 71

Blood's Legacy is a hobgoblin organization that rose after the Goblinblood Wars, founded by the hobgoblin skald and veteran Dtung. The organization hopes to unite goblinoids all over the Inner Sea region in order to start another round of wars. The group has had some success in uniting hobgoblins in northern Garund, western Casmaron, and Avistani regions other than Isger. They have also has some minor successes with recruiting small bands of bugbears, but they have had little luck with goblins.1


  1. Mark Moreland. “Born of Battle” in Fangs of War, 71. Paizo Inc., 2017