This article contains spoilers for the following products: major plot events of Flooded King's Court, and plot events and an encounter in The Island of the Vibrant Dead


From PathfinderWiki


Deadhaven is a ghoul settlement located on the remote Island of the Vibrant Dead in the shattered continent of Azlant.1


The village is located on the northern shore of the Island of the Vibrant Dead, halfway between the ruins of Azlant and the Tines.1 A small lagoon and shoal separate the town from the Arcadian Ocean.2


The village is led by a mayor, who as of 4723 AR was Arlandrie Tecarasta, a ghoul with elven features. The lacedon-captained pirate ship Ghoulship Rapscallion protects the island.2


Spoiler.svg This page contains spoilers for the following products: major plot events of Flooded King's Court, and plot events and an encounter in The Island of the Vibrant Dead.
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In 4719 AR, the Pathfinder Society recovered a ghoul named Marcon Tinol from the Tombs of the Living beneath Absalom. Tinol had mastered his hunger for humanoid flesh, rendering him relatively harmless to the living.3 Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng repatriated Tinol to the Island of the Vibrant Dead, a site tenuously but persistently connected to the Maze of the Open Road that was once a burial site for Arodenite clergy. Dreng had experienced mages reinforce the connection and make it permanent.1

The island's crypt contains an artifact that preserves the dead's appearance and physical state,1 a trait that allows ghouls to feed from the corpses and absorb their memories.4 Dreng continued to repatriate peaceful ghouls to the island, where they quickly formed a settlement known as Deadhaven. In thanks for his efforts, the ghouls offered a home to Dreng in Deadhaven upon his retirement.1


Lord Walsam Calendrieu, proprietor of The Dead Ringer tavern in Deadhaven.

The village's ghouls hail from across Golarion, making the settlement a colorful melting pot of culture, fashion, art, and architecture. Musicians perform works from a multitude of cultures during a daily celebration known as the Celebration of the Vibrant Death.2 While the ghouls do not need to eat mortal foods, they have learned a number of long-lost Azlanti drink and food recipes from the Arodenite clergy they consume, and the island natively grows mangoes and other fruits.5

Notable locations


Paizo set the Pathfinder Society scenario The Island of the Vibrant Dead in Deadhaven.