Censer of dreams

From PathfinderWiki
Censer of dreams
(Magic item)

Aura (1E)
Moderate abjuration
Caster Level (1E)
Wondrous item
Slot (1E)
Source: Into the Nightmare Rift, pg(s). 62

A censer of dreams protects creatures within a 30-foot radius from magical nightmares. When commanded to begin the magical effect, fumes smelling of lavender spread through the protected area for up to eight hours. Moving the censer ends the effect, as do high winds. People sleeping within this area report having had particularly pleasant and relaxing dreams, feeling as though they had a complete day of bed rest. Appearing as a normal censer made of bronze, brass, or copper with silver or mithral as the upper section, it can also burn normal incense.1


  1. Richard Pett. “Shattered Star Treasures” in Into the Nightmare Rift, 62. Paizo Inc., 2012