
From PathfinderWiki

A demilich is a terrible creature that comes into being when a lich succumbs to decay after centuries of unlife. Its body crumbles to dust, with only its head remaining, encrusted with gemstones that are an outward manifestation of its lust for power. Even though the lich's soul and intelligence dissipate, a demilich is still terrible when roused from its torpor.1

Awakened demiliches

Under very rare circumstances, a lich retains its consciousness and spirit during its transformation, as well as its full spellcasting abilities and intelligence. Such creatures are known as awakened demilches.1

On Golarion

An awakened demilich named Holok is known to live in the ruins of Xin-Gastash below the Hold of Belkzen. She is locked in a seemingly never-ending battle for supremacy over the ruins of the old Thassilonian capital with her rivals, the nosferatu Molus and the ghost Xeram.2

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Jason Bulmahn, et al. “Monsters A to Z” in Bestiary 3, 66–67. Paizo Inc., 2011
  2. Tyler Beck, et al. “Adventuring in Belkzen” in Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes, 51–52. Paizo Inc., 2015