Essence prism

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Essence prism
(Magic item)

Item Level (2E)
Source: Gamemastery Guide, pg(s). 108–109

The essence prism is a unique magical device that can refract selected essences of an entity—such as a living creature—positioned in its input streams. The result can create new entities that embody separated or combined elements of the input entities' four essences, depending on the prism's configuration.1


Depending on the configuration of the prism's facets, it presents either one or two input streams; a single input produces two output streams, while dual inputs produce a single output stream. The output streams emanate sufficient force to repel any attempts to physically cross through them.

An entity positioned in the prism's input stream becomes completely encased in a solid manifestation of magic over the course of a minute, after which they become incapable of moving until and unless the prism is reconfigured to reverse the stream's flow.

Upon configuring entities in the prism's input streams, the prism can then be manipulated to produce new entities from its output streams, consuming the input entity in the process.

Single input

If the prism has a single input stream, it refracts the dualistic nature of one of its essences into two separate entities. The selected essence can be configured by manipulating the prism's facets. For example, selecting an axis of alignment within the spiritual essence of a sapient creature in the input stream can produce two creatures, one who possesses only the properties of one extreme of that axis, and another who possesses properties of the opposite extreme of that axis.

The resulting entities are each weaker than the input entity, and if the input entity was particularly strongly associated with the selected trait, the output entity who shares that trait is significantly stronger than its opposite counterpart.2

Dual input

If the prism has dual input streams, it combines both entities' essences into an amalgam that bears traits of both. The input entities are consumed in the process, which takes about one hour's time. The resulting entity is also slightly stronger than its component entities, unless one of its component entities is significantly weaker.3


The effect can be reversed by using the resulting created entities as the prism's inputs. The result consumes the created entities and produces the origin entities.2


The essence prism can be destroyed by attempting to combine two incompatible demigods. However, the attempt might still result in the creation of a new divine entity.3


  1. ↑ Logan Bonner, et al. “2: Tools” in Gamemastery Guide, 108. Paizo Inc., 2020
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 Logan Bonner, et al. “2: Tools” in Gamemastery Guide, 108–109. Paizo Inc., 2020
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 Logan Bonner, et al. “2: Tools” in Gamemastery Guide, 109. Paizo Inc., 2020