Ganfen Kethlin

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Ganfen Kethlin

Lord Ganfen of House Kethlin;
Irorium's Master of Blades
Source: All or Nothing, pg(s). 48

Lord Ganfen of House Kethlin is described as a man of small stature, with thinning hair and large ears. As master of blades, he is in charge of arranging the Irorium's daily performances and most daily operations. Despite his position within the Irorium, he does not give the impression of being a warrior, a fact he gladly admits to, and rightfully believes himself better suited to brokering deals and commerce, more as an administrator.1

Lord Ganfen maintains a few offices and meeting rooms under the north end of the arena where he enacts most of the business of running the Irorium.2

As part of his duties as Master of Blades, Ganfen presents awards to competitors who prove themselves in the arena.3

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  1. ↑ Jason Keeley. “All or Nothing” in All or Nothing, 48. Paizo Inc., 2020
  2. ↑ Jason Keeley. “All or Nothing” in All or Nothing, 50. Paizo Inc., 2020
  3. ↑ Jason Keeley. “All or Nothing” in All or Nothing, 59. Paizo Inc., 2020