Gray death

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Gray death

Source: Night of the Gray Death, pg(s). 68

A gray death forms when one of the final blade guillotines of Galt is filled to capacity with souls. Once unleashed from the final blade, it becomes a tremendously powerful force of undeath capable of destroying an entire city.1


A gray death resembles a towering gray whirlwind amalgamation of spectral forms and void energy, with appendages ending in massive clawed hands made of the same soul-stuff.1


A gray death senses all life and passively drains it from all beings within nearly a fifth of a mile of its location, and is even more effective in draining the life from beings it touches with its hands, which can extend up to 100 feet from its body. It can also possess nearby living beings and force them to fight their allies.1

Known examples

Every final blade of Galt is believed to hold a gray death within itself.2


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ron Lundeen. Gray death” in Night of the Gray Death, 68. Paizo Inc., 2021
  2. Ron Lundeen. “Chapter 1: Secrets of Litran” in Night of the Gray Death, 5. Paizo Inc., 2021