Hornet's Nest tavern
The Hornet's Nest tavern is widely understood to be the best tavern in Tregan and the surrounding area of the Taldor / Galt border region, despite Tregan having a dozen inns and taverns as competition. The Hornet's Nest provides excellent food, wine and music1 and very comfortable rooms for its guests. There are stabling facilities for guests' steeds, with the stables located just next door to the inn.2 The tavern is owned by the bard called Vallyn, an old adventuring companion of Elyana Sadrastis; he painted the tavern sign which hangs outside the main door: a gold hornet's hive.3
- â âChapter 6: Equal Sharesâ in Plague of Shadows, 89. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- â âChapter 6: Equal Sharesâ in Plague of Shadows, 93. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- â âChapter 6: Equal Sharesâ in Plague of Shadows, 92. Paizo Inc., 2011 .