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Hound of Tindalos

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Hound of Tindalos
Hound of Tindalos
Thing from Beyond Time

(evil, extraplanar)
Source: Rise of New Thassilon, pg(s). 28
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Hounds of Tindalos are creatures from outside of the reality in which Golarion exists. They interfere in Golarion only when a spellcaster foolishly summons one or when someone interferes in their domain. Their connection to the angles of reality allows them to appear anywhere and at any time on Golarion as long as they appear near some physical angle.1


Estra and Honaire confront a hound of Tindalos and its mistress.

Hounds of Tindalos are horrific-looking creatures whose appearance is as utterly alien as their origins. In stature, a hound of Tindalos is about the size of a leopard2 and resembles a furless large cat whose flesh is pallid and muscular, yet lean as if starved and with some humanoid features. This unnatural mixture results in their odd body shape, and despite their long arms ending in dexterous, flesh-shredding claws, they usually move about on all fours. A hound's face features huge, black, soulless eyes above a chasm of a mouth filled with razor-sharp, broken teeth.1

Habitat and ecology

Hounds of Tindalos are native to the little-known Dimension of Time.3 According to the Steward of Stethelos, the name Tindalos refers to a place beyond the Viridescent Jungle where "those who flow with time in one direction" have no place, and where only the hounds and their masters can dwell.4 Hounds of Tindalos are mercifully rare in the Universe, where they have no natural habitat. They are usually active only when summoned and bound as some powerful wizards or ancient societies like Thassilon once did, or when the hounds hunt their quarry. The only quarry hounds of Tindalos seem interested in are the rare people who have travelled the mysterious pathways outside time and space itself; the hounds hunt these creatures mercilessly, chasing them to any place or time they might flee.1


Hounds of Tindalos understand time and space in a way no other creature does and can move effortlessly across huge distances and even across the planes. A hound's mind is so otherworldly that any creature that gains direct access to a hound of Tindalos' thoughts is assaulted by the completely alien nature of its thought processes. The gaze of a hound of Tindalos rips through the fabric of reality to inflict horrific wounds on its opponents.1


The common hound of Tindalos is the least of their kind.5 More powerful variants include the Thing from Beyond Time, the six-legged mastiff of Tindalos that usually serves as companions of denizens of Leng, and the three-headed ravager of Tindalos.67

On Golarion

A hound of Tindalos hunter known as the Claws of Time destroyed a congregation of Brigh in the Spellscar Desert in 4688 AR.8


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Wolfgang Baur. “Bestiary” in Fortress of the Stone Giants, 82–83. Paizo Inc., 2007
  2. ↑ "Their size (at least in Pathfinder) is In the realm of a St. Bernard dog. Or to use All4's standard...a leopard." James Compton. (March 26, 2025). (Post), Pathfinder RPG Discord.
  3. ↑ Robert Brookes, et al. “Chapter 3: The Great Beyond” in Planar Adventures, 214. Paizo Inc., 2018
  4. ↑ Greg A. Vaughan. “Rise of New Thassilon” in Rise of New Thassilon, 32. Paizo Inc., 2019
  5. ↑ Paizo Inc., et al. “Chapter 1: Bestiary” in Kingmaker Bestiary, 39. Paizo Inc., 2022
  6. ↑ Greg A. Vaughan. “Rise of New Thassilon” in Rise of New Thassilon, 28. Paizo Inc., 2019
  7. ↑ Michael Sayre. “Doorway to the Red Star” in Doorway to the Red Star, 40. Paizo Inc., 2021
  8. ↑ Scott D. Young. “Cradle of Quartz” in Cradle of Quartz, 5. Paizo Inc., 2022

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