
From PathfinderWiki

A llorona is a drowned spirit of a person1 who seeks to share the pain and misery of grieving their drowned child with the living.2


A llorona resembles a ghostly person wearing soaking wet funerary dress of the local culture. A llorona's pitiful wailing and sobbing is typically audible long before they are seen.2


A llorona's wail can inflict their pain and misery on anyone that hears it, often forcing them to attempt to drown themselves. The llorona grabs any who resist the wailing, despite being incorporeal, and attempts to drown their victim by force; their negative touch also drains their victim's vitality.2

Habitat and ecology

Lloronas are formed from a death of an adult experiencing grief or shame over the tragic drowning of a child, whether accidental or murderous. They seek to share the misery of their grim fate with any living person that they encounter.2

If defeated, a llorona rises again within a week's time unless the site of their death is consecrated or the injustice that inspires their pain is resolved.2

On Golarion

Parents in settlements near bodies of water often tell their children stories about lloronas to deter them from venturing near water alone or at night.2

Lloronas are particularly common in the Arcadian nation of Xopatl, haunting the banks of its many rivers or the shoreline of Lake Tapipallati.3


  1. In the non-canon source Bestiary 6 181, lloronas are described as being inherently femenine. This is explicitly refuted as an in-universe misconception by the canon source Book of the Dead 125.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Jason Bulmahn, et al. “3: The Grim Crypt” in Book of the Dead, 125. Paizo Inc., 2022
  3. Luis Loza. Xopatl” in Borne by the Sun's Grace, 65. Paizo Inc., 2019