M1914 grenade

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M1914 grenade
(Technological Item)

Explosive weapon
Source: Rasputin Must Die!, pg(s). 64

An M1914 grenade is a time-delayed hand grenade that was also used in the Great War.12

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Fragmentation sleeve

The M1914 is primarily concussion grenade, but has an optional fragmentation sleeve that turns the M1914 into a fragmentation grenade.2


  1. In this article about a 'real-world' entity, any non-mentioned material is shown in italics and is provided from Wikipedia. In his Foreword to Rasputin Must Die!, Brandon Hodge states that the Earth portrayed in that adventure 'has to be our world', so we can extrapolate a little to give context in order to aid DMs and complete our infoboxes. Further information may be found by following the link to Wikipedia provided.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Adam Daigle & Brandon Hodge. “Guns, Spirits, and Revolution” in Rasputin Must Die!, 64. Paizo Inc., 2013

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