Adam Daigle
Adam Daigle
Austin, TX
Developer (2012–2017)
Managing Developer (2017–2020)
Director of Game Development (2020—2024)
Director of Narrative (2024–Present)
Managing Developer (2017–2020)
Director of Game Development (2020—2024)
Director of Narrative (2024–Present)
Adam Daigle is a freelance writer and game designer from gorgeous Austin, Texas. His first work for the Pathfinder campaign setting was a series of monsters (divs) for the Legacy of Fire adventure path. On February 27, 2012, Paizo Publishing announced that Adam had been hired as the newest member of the company's growing design and development team, and by 2020 had been promoted to Director of Game Development.
Pathfinder credits
Adventure credits
Title | Date | Notes |
"Bestiary" #19 | April 2009 | Howl of the Carrion King, 76. |
"Bestiary" #20 | April 2009 | House of the Beast, 78. |
"Bestiary" #21 | May 2009 | The Jackal's Price, 70. |
"Bestiary" #22 | June 2009 | The End of Eternity, 76. |
"Bestiary" #23 | July 2009 | The Impossible Eye, 74. |
"Bestiary" #24 | August 2009 | The Final Wish, 74. |
"Bestiary" #29 | February 2010 | Mother of Flies, 76. |
"Bestiary" #30 | March 2010 | The Twice-Damned Prince, 76. |
"Bestiary" #32 | April 2010 | Rivers Run Red, 78. |
Fortune's Blight | June 2010 | PFS 1e #01-50 |
"Bestiary" #43 | March 2011 | The Haunting of Harrowstone, 76. |
"The Whispering Way" | May 2011 | Broken Moon, 64. |
In Service to Lore | July 2011 | PFS 1e Intro #1 |
"Liches of Golarion" | August 2011 | Shadows of Gallowspire, 68. |
"Oceans of Golarion" | May 2012 | Raiders of the Fever Sea, 58. |
"Continuing the Campaign" #60 | August 2012 | From Hell's Heart, 56. |
"Continuing the Campaign" #66 | January 2013 | The Dead Heart of Xin, 62. |
"Bestiary" #70 | May 2013 | The Frozen Stars, 82. |
"Guns, Spirits, and Revolution" | June 2013 | Rasputin Must Die!, 62. |
"Bestiary" #71 | June 2013 | Rasputin Must Die!, 82. |
"Continuing the Campaign" #72 | July 2013 | The Witch Queen's Revenge, 64. |
"Baba Yaga" | July 2013 | The Witch Queen's Revenge, 70. |
"Beyond the Campaign" #78 | February 2014 | City of Locusts, 64. |
"Bestiary" #81 | May 2014 | Shifting Sands, 80. |
"Bestiary" #83 | July 2014 | The Slave Trenches of Hakotep, 82. |
"Continuing the Campaign" #84 | July 2014 | Pyramid of the Sky Pharaoh, 62. |
"Bestiary" #86 | July 2014 | Lords of Rust (adventure), 82. |
"Continuing the Campaign" #90 | January 2015 | The Divinity Drive, 62. |
"Bestiary" #91 | February 2015 | Battle of Bloodmarch Hill, 80. |
"Bestiary" #100 | December 2015 | A Song of Silver, 114. |
"Bestiary" #100 | December 2015 | A Song of Silver, 114. |
"Continuing the Campaign" #102 | January 2016 | Breaking the Bones of Hell, 82. |
"Meet the Villain: Zelhara" | May 2016 | For Queen & Empire, 60. |
"Bestiary" #113 | January 2017 | What Grows Within, 80. |
"Bestiary" #116 | March 2017 | Fangs of War, 78. |
"Ruins of Azlant Gazetteer" | September 2017 | Into the Shattered Continent, 64. |
"Gods of Ancient Azlant" | October 2017 | The Flooded Cathedral, 64. |
Secrets of Roderic's Cove | August 2018 | Also wrote the article on Roderic's Cove in the back matter |
"Developer Showcase: Chelarac" | August 2019 | Midwives to Death. |
"Campaign Overview" #213 | April 2025 | Thirst for Blood, 2. Shades of Blood #1 |
- See also: Category:Works by Adam Daigle
Sourcebook credits
- See also: Category:Works by Adam Daigle
Fiction Credits
Title | Date | Notes |
"Close Conversation" | February 2017 | Black Stars Beckon, 76. |
Crowe" | "June 2014 | Meet the Iconics. Link |
Kess" | "July 2014 | Meet the Iconics. Link |
Zelhara" | "March 2016 | Meet the Villains. Link |
- See also: Category:Works by Adam Daigle
Other Writings
Title | Date | Notes |
"Foreword" #58 | July 2012 | Island of Empty Eyes, 4. Skull & Shackles #4 |
"Foreword" #59 | July 2012 | The Price of Infamy, 4. Skull & Shackles #5 |
"Foreword" #72 | July 2013 | The Witch Queen's Revenge, 4. Reign of Winter #6 |
"Foreword" #95 | July 2015 | Anvil of Fire, 4. Giantslayer #5 |
"Foreword" #110 | September 2016 | The Thrushmoor Terror, 2. Strange Aeons #2 |
"Foreword" #111 | November 2016 | Dreams of the Yellow King, 2. Strange Aeons #3 |
"Foreword" #112 | December 2016 | The Whisper Out of Time, 2. Strange Aeons #4 |
"Foreword" #114 | February 2017 | Black Stars Beckon, 2. Strange Aeons #6 |
"Foreword" #121 | August 2017 | The Lost Outpost, 2. Ruins of Azlant #1 |
"Foreword" #122 | September 2017 | Into the Shattered Continent, 2. Ruins of Azlant #2 |
"Foreword" #123 | October 2017 | The Flooded Cathedral, 2. Ruins of Azlant #3 |
"Foreword" #124 | November 2017 | City in the Deep, 2. Ruins of Azlant #4 |
"Foreword" #125 | December 2017 | Tower of the Drowned Dead, 2. Ruins of Azlant #5 |
"Foreword" #126 | January 2018 | Beyond the Veiled Past, 2. Ruins of Azlant #6 |
- See also: Category:Works by Adam Daigle
Art credits
Title | Date | Notes |
Absalom, City of Lost Omens | December 2021 | Cartography |
- See also: Category:Artwork by Adam Daigle